Qantas embraces diversity and modifies its policies about uniforms based on gender.

NEWS - 12-06-2023

The national carrier of Australia, Qantas, has loosened its gender-based uniform requirements, allowing staff members of either gender to wear makeup, have long hair, and choose casual flat shoes.

The new policy was implemented as the airline made preparations for a new chief executive, Alan Joyce, who would leave the position after 15 years in the position. The revelation also comes as a result of last year's pressure from the Australian trade union, which demanded that Qantas update its "uniform policy into the 21st century."

Although the airline's uniforms remain the same, eliminating gender boundaries enables staff members to more closely match their attire to their personas. Employees of Jetstar, a low-cost airline owned by Qantas, will also be subject to the new rule.

According to a statement from Qantas, "Fashion trends change over time, and our style guidelines have done the same." We take pride in both our diversity and the modernization of our rules.

The new policy permits all staff members to wear makeup, regardless of gender, and allows all employees—including pilots and flight attendants—to have long hair as long as it is arranged in a low ponytail or bun. Female employees are not required to wear high-heeled shoes or other gender-specific clothes. 

However, some rules will continue to apply. Employers must still cover any obvious tattoos, and dresses and skirts must be worn with hosiery. 

The airline company Qantas has decided to follow a larger trend in the aviation business by relaxing gender-based uniform regulations. The significance of embracing diversity and meeting the changing expectations of both staff and passengers is progressively becoming understood by airlines all over the world.

Virgin Atlantic launched gender-neutral uniforms last year, enabling employees to express themselves in their own unique ways.

An important step toward increasing diversity in the aviation sector has been taken with Qantas' relaxing of its gender-based uniform policies.