Saudi Arabia allows all flights, including Israeli ones, access to its airspace

NEWS - 15-07-2022

Saudi Arabia will open its airspace to all airlines, including flights to and from Israel, in a development that will be historic both for the geopolitical world and the aviation world. 

The Saudi General Authority of Civil Aviation (GACA), which has now determined that all carriers will be welcome in the country's airspace in accordance with international law, said the move will "complement the efforts aimed at consolidating the kingdom's position as a global hub connecting three continents and to enhance international air connectivity." 

This will undoubtedly help airlines that fly challenging long-haul routes between Asia and Israel in the short run.
Not least of all is El AI, the flag carrier of Israel, which, up until this moment, had to make lengthy detours through Saudi Arabia, lengthening flights' durations and wasting more fuel. 

Longer term, the fact that there will soon be direct flights between Riyadh (RUH) and Tel Aviv (TLV) also signifies a significant change in the two nations' relations and offers encouraging indications of a more peaceful Middle East.

Before Joe Biden, the vice president of the United States, was scheduled to land in Saudi Arabia, the announcement was made.
The goal of the visit by the American president is to improve ties between the United States and the Gulf state in the midst of a volatile global oil market and to deepen ties between Israel and the Arab world. 

Biden was a strong supporter of Saudi Arabia's new open sky policy and thinks it is a crucial step to fostering more peace in the wider region. He attributes his administration with brokering the arrangement.

Biden said in a statement on Friday from Jerusalem that Saudi Arabia's historic decision to open its airspace to all civilian aircraft, including those traveling to and from Israel, was a crucial step toward creating a more cohesive and stable Middle East. 
According to White House National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan, "This decision paves the way for a more integrated, stable, and secure Middle East region, which is vital for the security and prosperity of the United States and the American people, as well as for the security and prosperity of Israel." 

Although Saudi Arabia and Israel do not officially have diplomatic relations, it is thought that the two countries collaborate in some capacity. This most recent development will help both countries have a better future.