Try this if you're having trouble finding a Global Entry interview.

NEWS - 02-06-2023

If you're one of the numerous candidates for Global Entry who has put off starting the program because you can't schedule an interview, pay attention.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection and the Trusted Traveler Programs will make available appointment times for interviews at enrollment centers on the first Monday of every month for candidates who have received conditional approval.

By 9 a.m. local time, CBP will publish appointments that can be accessed on TTP dashboards for applicants.

TTP director Michael Millich stated in a statement that "given the unprecedented demand and continued interest in TTP, CBP is at an inflection point, where we must provide consistent, efficient, and accessible processing methods for applicants to select an appropriate enrollment option." "This includes making sure that interview appointments are released in a coordinated manner on a regular basis."

Put June 5 on your calendars as the day the following appointment will be released. 

Other advice on enrollment 

Enrollment on Arrival

Applicants who have received conditional approval may also finish the interview process through CBP's Enrollment on Arrival service after leaving the country.

You can complete the enrollment process at one of 65 airport sites as part of your travel home rather than setting up and participating in a formal interview at an enrollment center.

You'll proceed to the customs line to finish this process, just as you would complete immigration while returning to the United States from abroad. After that, follow the "Enrollment on Arrival" lanes airport signs to get there. Ask a CBP officer if you don't observe these indicators. Your interview will be completed by an agent while they check your eligibility.

Verify again that this service will be available when you arrive because EOA interviews are only permitted within specific hours. 

Last-minute/day of appointments

If you are unable to schedule an interview during a Monday release, check back on other mornings to see if there are any last-minute vacancies caused by cancellations on the day of the interview. 

Appointment Scanner

Consider using an alternative service, such as Appointment Scanner, if the conventional method of scheduling is unable to secure you the required Global Entry interview appointment.

Users can purchase a one-month subscription to appointment alerts (up to 25 per day) for $29 that are based on last-minute cancellations and newly released appointments at more than 20 enrollment sites. 

Despite the fact that it "can't promise you'll be able to schedule an interview," it will give any clients who are dissatisfied a refund within 30 days. 

In conclusion 

Travelers who have already applied for Global Entry need to benefit from the wave of appointments made available on the first Monday of each month.

In spite of this, we anticipate that these appointments will move along just as rapidly as typical Global Entry appointments do.

Use a credit card that will cover the $100 nonrefundable Global Entry application fee if you haven't already and intend to do so. You may also use this credit to pay for someone else's membership if you already have Global Entry.

As a reminder, CBP will publish fresh appointments on Monday, June 5, which is the first of the month.